Casey Anthony: A Complete Timeline of Her Murder Case and Trial

Casey Anthony: A Complete Timeline of Her Murder Case and Trial


In 2008, the world was delighted by the unusual lead appeared by Casey Anthony. The then-22-year-old single parent from Orlando, Florida, was uncovered to have turned a snare of deludes cover for the disappearing of her 2-year-old young lady, Caylee, that pre-summer; the Facebook photos of her celebrating all through town and a deficiency of feeling in interviews filling the charges of first-degree murder before Caylee’s body was found at some point from there on.

Regardless, there would be no end for those offended by a mother’s dismissal of her child, as Casey moved away from conviction in 2011, while the requests of who butchered her young lady and why were seldom settled.

August 9, 2005: Caylee Marie Anthony is imagined


Caylee appears after Casey’s reiterated contradictions to different family members about her pregnancy. Regardless of the way that she proposes likely assistants, including then-life accomplice, Jesse Grund, and another youthful individual who to the extent anybody knows kicked the pail in a minor collision, the character of Caylee’s father is infrequently straightforwardly uncovered.

June 16, 2008: Casey drives off with Caylee

Caylee was raised in the Orlando home of her grandparents, Cindy and George Anthony, anyway the day after an alleged family dispute on Father’s Day, June 15, Casey leaves with her little youngster and reproaches attempts to oblige up close and personal.

July 15, 2008: Cindy reports that Caylee is missing

Resulting to finding that a family vehicle used by Casey had been seized, George recuperates the vehicle and is overwhelmed by the smell that stays even after a sack of waste is killed from the capacity compartment. Cindy discovers her young lady at some point from there on and, over a line of crisis calls, reports that Caylee has been missing for a month, demands Casey’s catch and notes the vehicle’s fragrance, saying, “It smells like there’s been a dead body in the damn vehicle.”


July 16, 2008: Casey is caught

Casey drives specialists a few trivial pursuits, first to the uninhabited space of a guardian named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, who probably got away with Caylee on June 9, and subsequently to Universal Studios, where Casey declared to have some work. She is caught and blamed for kid ignore, deluding analysts and interfering with a criminal assessment.

July 22, 2008: Casey is declared a ‘person of interest’ at a bond hearing

The gathering presents verification that a body canine had zeroed in on the trail of human weakening in the vehicle trunk and the Anthonys’ porch, similarly as Cindy’s attestation that they had all seen Caylee after June 9. Despite the way that Casey is being held tight commonly minor charges, the adjudicator is vexed enough by the verification and the young mother’s evidently unconcerned direct to set bail at $500,000.

August 20, 2008: Casey’s bond is posted

California wealth tracker Leonard Padilla pronounces that he has paid the $500,000 with the assumption that Casey will lead them to Caylee.

August 30, 2008: The bond is dropped


The reversal comes a day after Casey’s catch for purportedly taking and exchanging checks from a partner, with the perturbed gatherings appearing outside the Anthonys’ home adding to the decision. “I came, I did too as I can, she might not want to banter with me. What might I have the option to say?” Padilla says. Anthony will again be conveyed after various social events join to post the bond on September 5, despite the way that she will return to jail before the month’s finished.

October 14, 2008: Casey is blamed for first-degree murder

The opened arraignment moreover blames her for disturbed child abuse, exasperated homicide and four checks of giving counterfeit information to law approval. Appropriately, Casey’s legitimate guide, Jose Baez, says his client’s exercises will turn out to be all the more clear at fundamental: “I sincerely acknowledge when we have finally spoken, everyone, and I mean everyone, will stop briefly and say, by and by I grasp, that explains it.”

October 24, 2008: Forensic reports from an appraisal of Casey’s vehicle are conveyed

The reports note that a hair strand found in the capacity compartment is “imperceptibly similar” to those found on Caylee’s brush and showed “characteristics of clear crumbling.” Additionally, an air test from the capacity compartment is found to contain substance increases dependable with human breaking down.


December 11, 2008: The skeletal excess pieces of a youngster are found

The bones are found in a sack in a lavish zone not by and large a half-mile from the Anthonys’ home by utility worker Ray Kronk. It is along these lines revealed that Kronk had hoped to convince police to glance through the domain back in the pre-summer.

December 20, 2008: The excess parts are attested to be those of Caylee

The Orange County manager clinical investigator reports that the bones showed no verification of injury and that Caylee’s destruction is being administered a “homicide of uncertain strategies.” Although the skull is found with channel tape around the nose, mouth and jaw, the general state of crumbling finally holds inspectors back from pinpointing a cautious explanation and date of death.

January 23, 2009: George is captured after an implosion try

George is represented to be “melancholy and possibly influenced by medication and alcohol” when he is arranged at a housing in Daytona Beach, Florida, close by a five-page implosion note.

Yet earlier court papers showed that death penalty would not be in play, the new notice of direction alludes to “sufficient maddening conditions” to legitimize its burden.

May 24, 2011: The starter starts with the protect’s shocker claims

The starter begins with the arraignment’s underlying salvo of Casey being a social affair young woman with no use for an energetic young lady, as demonstrated consistently spent shopping and drinking during Caylee’s nonattendance.
