Inside Natasha Richardson’s Tragic and Shocking Death

A typical day at a Canadian ski resort ended in disaster for the ‘Parent Trap’ actress and her family following an unexpectedly deadly fall on a beginners’ trail.

The morning of March 16, 2009, carried bright skies and rising temperatures to the Mont Tremblant ski resort in Québec, Canada, the cusp-of-spring day coaxing guests outside to its cobblestone-lined roads and picturesque mountain trails.


The retreat’s visitors that Monday included 45-year-old entertainer Natasha Richardson, who was prepared to hurl herself entirely into ski exercises with the very assurance that had created commended screen jobs in Patty Hearst and The Parent Trap, just as a Tony Award-winning execution in Cabaret.

In any case, which began as an untainted day finished in calamity for Richardson and her family, including entertainer spouse Liam Neeson and their two children, Micheál and Daniel, as an appearing to be ordinary fall by an unpracticed skier turned lethal through the problematic choices that lingered agonizingly enormous looking back.

Richardson at first declined clinical help


At around early afternoon, Richardson was on the slope with an educator and approaching the lower part of an amateurs’ path when she overturned; her head, liberated from the constrainment and insurance of a cap, beaten against the still hard-pressed snow.

Richardson disregarded the spill, however her watchful educator looked for a second assessment from the ski watch, who along these lines required an emergency vehicle.

Nonetheless, Richardson demanded that she was fine. She marked a waiver to decrease clinical assistance and strolled to her room at the Hotel Quintessence, her educator and an individual from the ski watch following along certainly.


In the interim, paramedics showed up in an emergency vehicle at 1 p.m.. Discovering that their administrations weren’t required, they vanished back the manner in which they came a couple of moments later.

Additional time was lost as she was taken to two medical clinics

Back in her room, Richardson at first showed no evil impacts from the occurrence. She even downplayed it in a call to her better half, in Toronto to shoot a film, handing-off the news with an easygoing, “Goodness, sweetheart. I’ve taken a tumble in the snow.”


However, tension levels moved as the entertainer started grumbling of a migraine and giving indications of disarray. Another require an emergency vehicle was put at 3 p.m., the dispatcher demonstrating the expanded desperation of the circumstance.

Shipped off a close by clinic in Sainte-Agathe, Richardson shown promising fundamental signs and inhaled effectively with assistance from oxygen. Nonetheless, her direction proceeded to dive, and the emergency clinic’s staff acknowledged they weren’t prepared to deal with what had become a critical circumstance. She was stacked into another emergency vehicle not long before 6 p.m., this time headed for a Montréal ER exactly 55 miles away.


Her significant other discovered her mind dead after showing up next to her

By that point, Neeson had effectively gotten word that his significant other was in some hot water and immediately left the Toronto creation. As the entertainer portrayed to Esquire in 2011, he showed up at this precluding “Dickensian” clinic, just to track down that nobody remembered him, or had any aim of letting him past the trauma center

Meandering outside, Neeson happened upon a thoughtful medical attendant who guided him through an indirect access. He at long last discovered Richardson, snared to life support, and got the bleak news that she was mind dead.


Gazing at the X-beam which uncovered her mind being “crushed facing the side of the skull,” Neeson reviewed the agreement he’d once made with his better half, both promising to “reassess” if the other injury up in the specific problem that was looking straight at him.

“Furthermore, I went into her and revealed to her I cherished her,” Neeson later disclosed to Anderson Cooper on an hour. “Said, ‘Darling, you’re not returning from this. You’ve banged your head. It’s – I couldn’t say whether you can hear me, however that is – this is the thing that’s gone down. Also, we’re taking ya back to New York. All your loved ones will come.’ And that was pretty much it.”


Richardson was traveled to New York, the site of her numerous Broadway triumphs and the home she imparted to Neeson, and conceded to Lenox Hill Hospital on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. There, encompassed by friends and family, she was taken out from life support on March 18, two days after what should be a pleasant experience on the slopes.The post-mortem examination affirmed that Richardson’s head knock had brought about an epidural hematoma, a condition wherein blood pools between the cerebrum and skull. It additionally started the unavoidable and unanswerable inquiries regarding whether the misfortune might have been stayed away from, either by the direct carrying of Richardson to the Montréal emergency clinic to save valuable time or by the straightforward demonstration of her wearing a protective cap.


Neeson and their youngsters drew motivation from her memory

Richardson’s nonattendance actually felt stunning to Neeson by mid 2014, when he admitted to Cooper that he now and then anticipated that his wife should stroll through the entryway. All things considered, he had mended enough to acquire some viewpoint, noticing that she was “keeping three individuals alive” through the gift of her organs.

Their youngsters likewise figured out how to proceed onward from the overwhelming misfortune, to some extent by discovering motivation from their mom’s words and activities. David, only 12 at the time she passed, went on to establish the harmless to the ecosystem dress line Pine Outfitters.


“She was consistently about, ‘Absolutely never feel like you must be constrained down a passage to fit in,’ he told the New York Post in 2019. “‘Would what you like to do, however do it to your best and be liberal with it.'”

What’s more, Micheál, one year more seasoned than his sibling, in the long run took on his mom’s last name and entered the privately-owned company. His first driving film job came inverse Neeson in the 2020 parody dramatization Made in Italy, about a dad and child who adapt to the deficiency of the spouse and mother who bound them together.
