Casey Anthony: A Complete Timeline of Her Murder Case and Trial


In 2008, the planet was enthralled by the unusual conduct showed by Casey Anthony. The then-22-year-old single parent from Orlando, Florida, was uncovered to have turned a web of deceives cover up for the vanishing of her 2-year-old little girl, Caylee, that late spring; the Facebook photographs of her celebrating in and out of town and a shortage of feeling in interviews powering the charges of first-degree murder before Caylee’s body was found sometime thereafter.

In any case, there would be no conclusion for those shocked by a mother’s disregard of her kid, as Casey got away from conviction in 2011, while the inquiries of who slaughtered her young little girl and for what reason were rarely settled.

August 9, 2005: Caylee Marie Anthony is conceived


Caylee shows up after Casey’s rehashed refusals to different relations about her pregnancy. In spite of the fact that she recommends potential accomplices, including then-life partner, Jesse Grund, and another young fellow who evidently passed on during an auto crash, the character of Caylee’s dad isn’t freely uncovered.

June 16, 2008: Casey drives off with Caylee

Caylee was raised inside the Orlando home of her grandparents, Cindy and George Anthony, however the day after a supposed family contention on Father’s Day , June 15, Casey leaves along with her young girl and repels endeavors to accommodate up close and personal .

July 15, 2008: Cindy reports that Caylee is missing

Subsequent to discovering that a family vehicle utilized by Casey had been appropriated, George recovers the vehicle and is overpowered by the smell that is still even after a pack of rubbish is distant from the storage compartment. Cindy finds her girl soon thereafter and, over a line of emergency calls, reports that Caylee has been absent for a month, requests Casey’s capture and notes the vehicle’s scent, saying, “It smells like there’s been a body inside the damn vehicle.”

July 16, 2008: Casey is captured


Casey drives agents on a couple of untamed goose pursues, first to the uninhabited loft of a babysitter named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, who supposedly escaped with Caylee on June 9, at that point to Universal Studios, where Casey claimed to have work . She is captured and charged huge disregard, misleading examiners and meddling with a criminal examination.

July 22, 2008: Casey is said a ‘individual of interest’ at a bond hearing

The meeting presents proof that a corpse canine had focused in on the scent of human disintegration inside the vehicle trunk and in this way the Anthonys’ lawn, likewise as Cindy’s affirmation that that they had all seen Caylee after June 9. Despite the fact that Casey is being endured moderately minor charges, the appointed authority is upset enough by the proof and thusly the youthful mother’s apparently unconcerned conduct to line bail at $500,000.

August 20, 2008: Casey’s bond is posted

California abundance tracker Leonard Padilla reports that he has paid the $500,000 with the expectation that Casey will lead them to Caylee.

August 30, 2008: The bond is revoked

The inversion comes every day after Casey’s capture for purportedly taking and liquidating checks from a darling , with the furious groups showing outside the Anthonys’ home adding to the decision . “I came, I did as well as can possibly be expected, she would not like to address me. What am I ready to say?” Padilla says. Anthony will again be delivered after different gatherings join to post the bond on September 5, despite the fact that she will get back to prison by the highest point of the month.

October 14, 2008: Casey is accused of first-degree murder

The unlocked arraignment additionally accuses her of exasperated abuse , bothered murder and 4 checks of giving bogus data to authorization . Accordingly, Casey’s legal advisor, Jose Baez, says his customer’s activities will become more clear at preliminary: “I genuinely accept once we have at long last spoken, everybody, and that I mean everybody, will pause for a minute or two and say, presently I comprehend, that clarifies it.”

October 24, 2008: Forensic reports from an assessment of Casey’s vehicle are delivered

The reports note that a hair strand found inside the storage compartment is “minutely comparative” to those found on Caylee’s brush and showed “attributes of obvious disintegration.” Additionally, an air test from the storage compartment is found to contain substance compounds as per human decay.

December 11, 2008: The skeletal remaining parts of a girl are found

The bones are found during a sack during a woods however a half-mile from the Anthonys’ home by utility specialist Ray Kronk. it’s subsequently uncovered that Kronk had tried to persuade police to look the world back inside the mid year.

December 20, 2008: The remaining parts are affirmed to be those of Caylee


The Orange County boss specialist reports that the bones showed no proof of injury which Caylee’s passing is being administered a “murder of unsure methods.” Although the skull is found with sticky tape round the nose, mouth and jaw, the high level condition of decay at last keeps agents from pinpointing a specific reason and date of death.

January 23, 2009: George is arrested after a self destruction endeavor

George is accounted for to be “discouraged and conceivably affected by prescription and liquor” when he’s situated at a lodging in Daytona Beach , Florida, close by a five-page self destruction note.

Albeit prior court papers demonstrated that the execution wouldn’t be live , the new notification of purpose refers to “adequate disturbing conditions” to legitimize its inconvenience.

Those comments are before long overshadowed by Baez’s shocking opening explanation which affirms that Caylee suffocated inside the family swimming shower which George tried to stow away up the unintentional demise. The lead guard lawyer likewise asserts that George had attacked Casey, consequently touching off her propensity for deceiving stow away up the torment which Kronk, the utility specialist, had discovered Caylee’s body and planted it inside the forested areas.
